Service Superpower Profiles
The Sage
This Service Superpower profile is focused on the spiritual connection to nature. Thoughtful, contemplative, often quiet. Encourages friends and family to look for the deeper meaning of scripture, readings, and the world around them.
The Philanthropist
This Service Superpower profile is excited to serve by volunteering time, financial resources, and connections to important causes. Asks friends to donate, give time, and attend environmental events and experiences. Connects like minded people together.
The Influencer
This Service Superpower profile always knows the latest trends on sustainability, environmental action, and justice. Shares information and events with friends. Introduces friends to each other and motivates them to take action.
The Wonk
This Service Superpower profile loves science, policy, data, graphs, and charts. Fascinated about discussing new technologies and solutions. Talks about the latest studies. Encourages family and friends to learn more about the world around them.
The Spark
The Spark loves to support friends' passions and is always ready to cheer for friends and family. This person ignites the movement.
The Adventurer
This Service Superpower profile experiences the outdoors through new challenges and hands on learning. Embraces the physicality of time outside and gives family and friends opportunities to stretch their minds and bodies through nature.